Source code for holodeck.host_relations

"""Empirical and phenomenological scaling relationships.

This module defines numerous classes and accessor methods to implement scaling relationships between
different empirical quantities, for example BH--Galaxy relations, or Stellar-Mass vs Halo-Mass
relations.  ``abc`` base classes are used to implement generic functionality, and define APIs while
subclasses are left to perform specific implementations.  In general most classes implement both
the forward and reverse versions of relationships (e.g. stellar-mass to halo-mass, and also
halo-mass to stellar-mass).  Reverse relationships are often interpolated over a grid.

Detailed information about the different types of relationships that are implemented can be found
in the documentation for the base-classes.  Most of the relationships currently implemented are
among two groups (and corresponding base classes):

* **BH-Host Relations** (subclasses of :py:class:`_BH_Host_Relation`): These produce mappings
  between host galaxy properties (e.g. bulge mass) and the mass of their black holes.  Currently,
  generally only the M-Mbulge relationships should be used for assigning MBH masses (see below).

  * **Mbh-Mbulge relations** ("M-Mbulge"; subclasses of :py:class:`_MMBulge_Relation`): mapping
    from host galaxy stellar-bulge mass to black-hole mass.  MMBulge relationships must be able to
    calculate black hole masses given total stellar-masses, not just stellar-bulge masses.  This
    requires the usage of bulge-fractions (the fraction of total stellar-mass in the bulge).  These
    bulge fractions are implemented using subclasses of the :py:class:`_Bulge_Frac`, in the
    simplest case a constant bulge fraction using :py:class:`BF_Constant`.

  * **Mbh-Sigma relations** ("M-Sigma"; subclasses of :py:class:`_MSigma_Relation`): mapping from
    host galaxy velocity dispersion (sigma) to black-hole mass.  NOTE: as of writing this
    (2024-03-29) the M-Sigma relationships are not fully supported in semi-analytic models in that
    the initial galaxy populations do not have stellar velocity-dispersions set.

* **Stellar-Mass vs. Halo-Mass Relations** (subclasses of :py:class:`_StellarMass_HaloMass`):
  mapping from dark matter halo-mass to stellar-mass.

Mbh-MBulge (M-Mbulge)
M-Mbulge relationships, implemented as subclasses of :py:class:`_MMBulge_Relation`, map
from stellar-bulge masses to black-hole masses.  These classes also use a bulge-fraction,
implemented as subclasses of :py:class:`_Bulge_Frac`, instance to map from total stellar-masses to
bulge masses internally, so that often the :py:meth:`_MMBulge_Relation.mbh_from_mstar` method will
be the primary API interface.  The :py:class:`_MMBulge_Relation` subclasses also provide partial
derivative terms, in particular the :py:meth:`_MMBulge_Relation.dmstar_dmbh` method, which is used
by SAMs to convert from galaxy-galaxy mergers to MBH-MBH mergers.  See the class docstrings for
more information.

Note that redshift-dependent versions of M-Mbulge relationships are also provided, but note that these
are still under development and testing (2024-03-28).

It is very easy to implement new M-Mbulge relationships by creating new subclasses of
:py:class:`_MMBulge_Relation`.  See the class documentation for more information.

Relations: To-Do
* Pass concentration-relation (or other method to calculate) to NFW classes on instantiation

* [Behroozi2013]_ : Behroozi, Wechsler & Conroy 2013.
* [Guo2010]_ Guo, White, Li & Boylan-Kolchin 2010.
* [KH2013]_ Kormendy & Ho 2013.
* [MM2013]_ McConnell & Ma 2013.


import abc
from typing import Type, Union

import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
import scipy as sp

from holodeck import cosmo, utils, log
from holodeck.constants import MSOL, KMPERSEC

__all__ = [
    "_BH_Host_Relation", "_MMBulge_Relation", "MMBulge_Standard", "MMBulge_KH2013",
    "MMBulge_MM2013", "MMBulge_Redshift", "MMBulge_Redshift_MM2013", "MMBulge_Redshift_KH2013",
    "get_mmbulge_relation", "_MSigma_Relation", "MSigma_Standard", "MSigma_MM2013",
    "MSigma_KH2013", "get_msigma_relation",
    "Guo_2010", "Behroozi_2013",

# ---------------------------------------------
# ----     Bulge-Fraction Relationships    ----
# ---------------------------------------------

class _Bulge_Frac(abc.ABC):
    r"""Base class for calculating stellar-bulge masses from the total stellar mass of galaxies.

    The bulge fraction is used to calculate bulge masses, using a calculation always of the form:


        M_\textrm{bulge} = f_\textrm{bulge}  M_\textrm{star}

    The bulge mass fraction, $f_\textrm{bulge}$ can be a function of stellar-mass, redshift, etc;
    i.e. $f_\textrm{bulge} = f_\textrm{bulge}(M_\textrm{star}, z, \dots)$

    Subclasses must implement the ``bulge_frac`` method, which returns a bulge fraction; and the
    ``dmstar_dmbulge`` method, which returns the partial derivative of stellar mass w.r.t. bulge


    # ---- Provided API Methods (no additional implementation needed)

    def mbulge_from_mstar(self, mstar, redz=None, **kwargs):
        """Calculate bulge stellar-mass from the total stellar-mass.

        mstar : array_like [g]
            Total stellar-mass of galaxies in units of grams.
        redz : array_like  or  `None`
            Redshifts of the galaxies under consideration.

        mbulge : array_like [g]
            Stellar-bulge masses in units of grams.

        mbulge = mstar * self.bulge_frac(mstar=mstar, redz=redz, **kwargs)
        return mbulge

    # ---- Required API Methods (MUST be provided in all subclass implementations)

    def bulge_frac(mstar=None, redz=None, mhalo=None, **kwargs):
        """Obtain the fraction of the galaxy stellar-mass contained in the stellar bulge.

    def dmstar_dmbulge(mbulge=None, redz=None, mhalo=None, **kwargs):
        """Partial derivative of stellar-mass w.r.t. bulge-mass.

    # ---- Optional API Methods

    def mstar_from_mbulge(self, mbulge, redz=None, **kwargs):
        """Convert total stellar-mass to stellar-bulge mass.

        mbulge : array_like, [g]
            Stellar bulge-mass in units of grams.
        redz : array_like  or  None
        **kwargs : dict
            Additional key-word arguments.  NOTE: these are not used in this function, but are
            included to provide a uniform API.

        mstar : array_like, [g]
            Total stellar mass in units of grams.

        raise NotImplementedError(f"``mstar_from_mbulge`` is not implemented in {self}!")

class BF_Constant(_Bulge_Frac):
    r"""Constant stellar-bulge mass fraction (for all stellar-masses, redshifts, etc).

    The bulge mass is calculated as, $M_\textrm{bulge} = f_\textrm{bulge}  M_\textrm{star}$, where
    the bulge mass fraction is $f_\textrm{bulge} \in (0.0, 1.0]$.


    def __init__(self, bulge_frac=0.69):
        """Initialize a :class:`BF_Constant(_Bulge_Frac)` instance.

        bulge_frac : float, []
            Mass fraction of the stellar bulge relative to the total stellar mass.  Unitless.

        assert (0.0 < bulge_frac) and (bulge_frac <= 1.0)
        self._bulge_mass_frac = bulge_frac

    def bulge_frac(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self._bulge_mass_frac

    def mstar_from_mbulge(self, mbulge, redz=None, **kwargs):
        mstar = mbulge / self.bulge_frac()
        return mstar

    def dmstar_dmbulge(self, mbulge, redz=None, **kwargs):
        return 1.0 / self.bulge_frac()

class BF_Sigmoid(_Bulge_Frac):
    r"""Sigmoid stellar-bulge mass fraction from minimum value to unity w.r.t. stellar mass.

    No redshift dependence.
    The functional form is:

    .. math::
        f_b (m < m_c) = f_l + (f_h - f_l) / (1.0 + ((m / m_c)^{-1} - 1.0)^k), \\
        f_b (m \geq m_c) \equiv f_h.

    Here, the characteristic total stellar-mass is $m_c$.  At aymptotically low stellar masses
    (i.e. $m \ll m_c$), the bulge fraction is $f_l$; and for high stellar masses ($m \geq m_c$),
    the bulge fraction is $f_h$.  The parameter $k$ determines the 'steepness' of the sigmoid
    function, where 1/k gives a characteristic 'width' of the transition in dex.  For example, if
    $k = 1/2$ then the transition from $f_l$ to $f_h$ occurs over roughly $2$ decades of mass.


    _INTERP_GRID_SIZE = 200  #: number of grid points
    _DERIV_DELTA = 1.0e-6

    def __init__(self, bulge_frac_lo=0.5, bulge_frac_hi=1.0, mstar_char_log10=11.0, width_dex=1.0):
        r"""Initialize a class instance with the given parameters.

        bulge_frac_lo : float
            Bulge fraction at assymptotically low values of stellar mass ($m \ll m_c$).
            Must be in (0.0, 1.0].
        bulge_frac_hi : float
            Bulge fraction at high values of stellar mass ($m \geq m_c$).
            Must be in (0.0, 1.0].  Must be larger than the value of ``bulge_frac_lo``.
        mstar_char_log10 : float  [log10(M/M_sol)]
            Characteristic total stellar-mass ($m_c$), such that bulge-fractions for stellar-masses
            above this value are exactly ``bulge_frac_hi``.  The units are such that what is given
            is $\log_{10}(m_c / M_\odot)$.
        width_dex : float
            The characteristic width of the transition region, given in units of dex (decades of
            stellar mass).  This is a characteristic (i.e. approximate) width of the transition
            region, see the class notes (:py:class:`BF_Sigmoid`) for the exact expression.

        assert (0.0 < bulge_frac_lo) and (bulge_frac_lo <= 1.0), f"{bulge_frac_lo=} must be in (0.0, 1.0]!"
        assert (0.0 < bulge_frac_hi) and (bulge_frac_hi <= 1.0), f"{bulge_frac_hi=} must be in (0.0, 1.0]!"
        assert (bulge_frac_lo < bulge_frac_hi), f"{bulge_frac_lo=} must be less than {bulge_frac_hi=} !"
        assert not (width_dex < 0.0), f"{width_dex=} must be non-negative!"
        self._bulge_frac_lo = bulge_frac_lo
        self._bulge_frac_hi = bulge_frac_hi
        self._mstar_char = (10.0 ** mstar_char_log10) * MSOL
        self._width_dex = width_dex

        # ---- Construct grids for calculation of inverse relationships via interpolation

        # construct a spacing of stellar-masses that focuses 'resolution' in the sigmoid region
        mc = self._mstar_char
        xx = np.log10(mc)
        # half of the grid points will be placed between ``xbreak1`` and ``xbreak2``
        xbreak1 = xx - 0.5*width_dex
        xbreak2 = xx + 0.5
        # place half of grid points at a wide range of values below ``xbreak1``
        _ms_lo = np.logspace(xbreak1 - 10.0, xbreak1, self._INTERP_GRID_SIZE//2, endpoint=False)
        # place half of grid points between the breaks
        ms = np.logspace(xbreak1, xbreak2, self._INTERP_GRID_SIZE//2, endpoint=False)
        # place a very small number of (extra) grid points above the characteristic mass
        _ms_hi = np.logspace(xbreak2, xbreak2 + 10.0, 10)
        # combine these different sections of the grid
        ms = np.concatenate([_ms_lo, ms, _ms_hi])

        # calculate bulge-masses, and derivatives at the grid points
        mb = self.mbulge_from_mstar(ms)
        dd = self._DERIV_DELTA
        ms_lo = ms * (1.0 - dd/2.0)
        ms_hi = ms * (1.0 + dd/2.0)
        mb_lo = self.mbulge_from_mstar(ms_lo)
        mb_hi = self.mbulge_from_mstar(ms_hi)
        # calculate derivative with dinite-difference
        dms_dmb = (ms_hi - ms_lo) / (mb_hi - mb_lo)
        # store interpolants
        self._interp_mstar_from_mbulge = sp.interpolate.interp1d(
            mb, ms, kind='quadratic', fill_value='extrapolate'
        self._interp_dmstar_dmbulge_from_mbulge = sp.interpolate.interp1d(
            mb, dms_dmb, kind='quadratic', fill_value='extrapolate'

    def bulge_frac(self, mstar, redz=None, **kwargs):
        mm = mstar / self._mstar_char
        steep = self._width_dex
        flo = self._bulge_frac_lo
        fhi = self._bulge_frac_hi

        mm[mm > 1.0] = 1.0
        frac = flo + (fhi - flo) / (1.0 + ((1.0 / mm) - 1.0)**steep)
        frac[(mm >= 1.0) | (frac > fhi)] = fhi
        return frac

    def mstar_from_mbulge(self, mbulge, redz=None, **kwargs):
        # Numerically calculate inverse Mbh-Mbulge relationship, with interpolation over a grid.
        fhi = self._bulge_frac_hi
        # start by assuming all stellar-masses (corresponding to mbulge) are above the char mass
        mstar = np.ones_like(mbulge) * mbulge / fhi
        # find the systems that are below the char mass, based on this assumption
        sel = (mstar/self._mstar_char) < 1.0
        # interpolate to numerically invert the function
        # mstar[sel] = np.interp(mbulge[sel], self._grid_mbulge, self._grid_mstar)
        mstar[sel] = self._interp_mstar_from_mbulge(mbulge[sel])
        return mstar

    def dmstar_dmbulge(self, mbulge, redz=None, **kwargs):
        # Numerically calculate deriv using finite difference over a grid, then interpolation.
        fhi = self._bulge_frac_hi
        # start by assuming all stellar-masses (corresponding to mbulge) are above the char mass
        dms_dmb = np.ones_like(mbulge) / fhi
        # find the systems that are below the char mass, based on this assumption
        sel = (mbulge/self._mstar_char) < fhi
        # print(f"{utils.frac_str(sel)=}")
        # interpolate to numerically invert the function
        # dms_dmb[sel] = np.interp(mbulge[sel], self._grid_mbulge, self._grid_dmstar_dmbulge)
        dms_dmb[sel] = self._interp_dmstar_dmbulge_from_mbulge(mbulge[sel])
        return dms_dmb

# Include a dictionary of all ``_Bulge_Fraction`` subclasses (primarily for unit-testing)
_bulge_frac_class_dict = {
    "BF_Constant": BF_Constant,
    "BF_Sigmoid": BF_Sigmoid,

# --------------------------------------
# ----     BH-Host Relationships    ----
# --------------------------------------

[docs] class _BH_Host_Relation(abc.ABC): """Base class for general relationships between MBHs and their host galaxies. This base-class is mostly organizational. For **discrete** populations, it specifies the API method ``get_host_properties`` which is a generic interface to derive BH masses from arbitrary properties of host galaxies (e.g. velocity dispersion, bulge mass, etc). This must be implemented by the subclasses. For **SAMs**, this base class provides no functionality. """ _PROPERTIES = [] #: list of property names to retrieve from population instances.
[docs] def get_host_properties(self, pop, copy=True) -> dict: """Get the host properties specified in the `_PROPERTIES` list of variable names. NOTE: if the `copy` flag is False, then values are returned by reference and the original values may be modified accidentally. Use `copy=True` to avoid modifying values in place. Use `copy=False` carefully, when trying to avoid unnecessary memory duplication. Parameters ---------- pop : `holodeck.population.Population` instance Binary population including necessary host properties. copy : bool, optional Copy the `pop` data into new arrays instead of returning references to original values. Returns ------- vals : dict Values loaded from `pop`. Names/keys correspond to `_PROPERTIES` strings. """ func = np.copy if copy else (lambda xx: xx) try: vals = {var: func(getattr(pop, var)) for var in self._PROPERTIES} except Exception as err: msg = f"{self.__class__} failed to load properties from {pop}: {self._PROPERTIES}" log.error(msg) log.error(str(err)) raise err return vals
# ---- Abstract Methods : must be overridden in subclasses ---- @abc.abstractmethod def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): return
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def mbh_from_host(self, pop, *args, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: """Convert from abstract host galaxy properties to blackhole mass. This method is intended for discrete (e.g. illustris) based populations. The ``pop`` instance must contain the attributes required for this class's scaling relations. The required properties are stored in this class's ``_PROPERTIES`` attribute. Parameters ---------- pop : ``_Discrete_Population``, Population instance having the attributes required by this particular scaling relation. Returns ------- mbh : array_like [g] Black hole mass. [grams] """ pass
# ----------------------------------------- # ---- M – Mbulge Relationships ---- # -----------------------------------------
[docs] class _MMBulge_Relation(_BH_Host_Relation): """Base class for implementing Mbh--Mbulge relationships, between MBH and their host galaxies. Typically there is an intermediate step of converting from the galaxy total stellar-mass into a bulge mass, so these relations would more accurately be called Mbh-Mstar relationships. For **discrete** populations, derived classes must provide a BH mass for a given stellar/bulge mass. For **SAMs** derived classes must additionally provide the partial derivatives of the black hole mass (so that galaxy-galaxy number densities can be converted to MBH-MBH number densities). API / Subclass Implementation ----------------------------- **Provided** - Functions provided directly by this base-class (``_MMBulge_Relation``). * ``dmstar_dmbh`` : uses ``dmstar_dmbulge`` from the bulge-fraction instance, and the ``dmbulge_dmbh`` method which must be provided by subclass implementations. * ``mbh_from_mstar``: requires ``mbulge_from_mstar`` in the bulge-fraction instance. **Required** - for core functionality, all ``_MMBulge_Relation`` subclasses are required to implement the following methods: * ``mbh_from_mbulge`` : the core purpose/functionality of all subclasses. * ``dmbulge_dmbh`` : required for calculating semi-analytic model populations. More specifically, the ``dmstar_dmbh`` method is required for SAMs, and that method in turn requires ``dmbulge_dmbh`` to be implemented. **Optional** - For extended functionality, ``_MMBulge_Relation`` subclasses may implement additional functions, but it is not guaranteed/required. Specifically the following methods: * ``mbulge_from_mbh``: the inverse relationship. Not necessarily calculable analytically. **Dependent** - Implemented functionality that depends on 'Optional' API methods. * ``mstar_from_mbh``: requires the ``mbulge_from_mbh`` method to be implemented. """ _PROPERTIES = ['mbulge'] def __init__(self, bulge_frac=None, bulge_mfrac=None): """Initializer. Arguments --------- bulge_frac : instance of a ``_Bulge_Frac`` subclass Bulge fraction to convert from total stellar-mass to stellar-bulge mass. bulge_mfrac : float [DEPRECATED] Constant value for the bulge mass-fraction. This argument is deprecated and will be removed in the (near) future. """ # ---- Determine bulge fraction if bulge_mfrac is not None: err = "Parameter ``bulge_mfrac`` is deprecated! Please use ``bulge_frac`` instead!" log.warning(err) if bulge_frac is not None: err = "Cannot provide both a ``bulge_mfrac`` and ``bulge_frac``!" log.exception(err) raise ValueError(err) bulge_frac = BF_Constant(bulge_mfrac) if bulge_frac is None: bulge_frac = BF_Constant(self.BULGE_MASS_FRAC) self._bulge_frac = bulge_frac #: ``_Bulge_Frac`` subclass instance to obtain bulge masses return # ---- Provided API Methods (no additional implementation needed)
[docs] def dmstar_dmbh(self, mstar, redz=None, **bfkwargs): """Calculate the partial derivative of stellar mass versus BH mass :math:`d M_star / d M_bh`. .. math:: d M_star / d M_bh = [d M_star / d M_bulge] * [d M_bulge / d M_bh] The dMbulge/dMbh component is calculated explicitly using ``self.ddmbulge_dmbh``, while the dMstar/dMbulge component is obtained from the ``bulge_frac`` instance. Parameters ---------- mstar : array_like, [g] Total stellar mass of galaxy in units of grams. redz : array_like or `None` Redshifts of the galaxies under consideration. bfkwargs : dict Additional arguments passed to the bulge-fraction isntance (``self._bulge_frac``). Returns ------- dmstar_dmbh : array_like [] Jacobian term: partial derivative of stellar mass w.r.t. black-hole mass. This quantity is unitless. """ mbulge = self._bulge_frac.mbulge_from_mstar(mstar, redz=redz) dmstar_dmbulge = self._bulge_frac.dmstar_dmbulge(mbulge, redz=redz, **bfkwargs) dmbulge_dmbh = self.dmbulge_dmbh(mbulge, redz=redz) dmstar_dmbh = dmstar_dmbulge * dmbulge_dmbh return dmstar_dmbh
[docs] def mbh_from_mstar(self, mstar, redz=None, scatter=None): """Calculate a black-hole mass from the given total stellar-mass. NOTE: this function requires the ``mbulge_from_mstar`` function to be implemented by the bulge-fraction instance (``self._bulge_frac``) that's being used. This is not guaranteed! Arguments --------- mstar : array_like, [g] Total stellar mass of host galaxy in units of grams. redz : array_like or `None` Redshifts of the galaxies under consideration. scatter : bool, Whether or not to include scatter when converting to BH masses. Returns ------- mbh : array_like [g] Black hole masses in units of grams. """ mbulge = self._bulge_frac.mbulge_from_mstar(mstar, redz=redz) mbh = self.mbh_from_mbulge(mbulge, redz=redz, scatter=scatter) return mbh
# ---- Required API Methods (MUST be implementated in subclasses)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def mbh_from_mbulge(self, mbulge, redz=None, scatter=None, **kwargs): """Convert from stellar-bulge mass to black-hole mass. Returns ------- mbh : array_like [g] Mass of black hole in units of grams. redz : array_like or `None` Redshifts of the galaxies under consideration. scatter : bool, Whether or not to include scatter when converting to BH masses. kwargs : dict, Additional keyword-arguments. Returns ------- mbh : array_like [g] Black-hole masses in units of grams. """ return
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def dmbulge_dmbh(self, mbulge, redz=None): """The partial derivative of stellar mass versus black-hole mass. Parameters ---------- mbulge : array_like, [g] Mass of the host galaxy stellar bulges in units of grams. Returns ------- dmbulge_dmbh : array_like, [] Jacobian term: partial derivative of stellar-bulge mass w.r.t. black-hole mass. This quantity is unitless. """ return
# ---- Optional API Methods (can be implemented in subclasses)
[docs] def mbulge_from_mbh(self, *args, **kwargs): """Convert from black-hole mass to stellar-bulge mass. Returns ------- mbulge : array_like, Mass of stellar bulge. [grams] """ raise NotImplementedError(f"``mbulge_from_mbh`` has not been implemented in {self}!")
# --- Dependent API Methods (functional if certain 'Optional' API methods are provided)
[docs] def mstar_from_mbh(self, mbh, redz=None): """Calculate a total stellar-mass from the given BH mass. NOTE: this function requires the ``mbulge_from_mbh`` function to be implemented by the particular ``_MMBulge_Relation`` subclass, and additionally that the ``mstar_from_mbulge`` function is implemented by the bulge-fraction instance (``self._bulge_frac``) that's being used. Neither is guaranteed! Arguments --------- mbh : array_like [g] Mass of black hole in units of grams. redz : array_like or `None` Redshifts of the galaxies under consideration. Returns ------- mstar : array_like [g] Total stellar-mass of galaxies in units of grams. """ mbulge = self.mbulge_from_mbh(mbh) mstar = self._bulge_frac.mstar_from_mbulge(mbulge, redz=redz) return mstar
[docs] class MMBulge_Standard(_MMBulge_Relation): r"""Simple Mbh-Mbulge relation as a single power-law. This Mbh-Mbulge relation implements a single power-law relationship between BH mass and stellar-bulge mass: .. math:: M_{bh} = M_0 * (M_{bulge}/M_{ref})^\gamma * 10^Normal(0, \epsilon) See documemtation for :class:`_MMBulge_Relation` for more information. """ MASS_AMP_LOG10 = 8.17 # log10(M/Msol) MASS_PLAW = 1.01 MASS_REF = 1.0e11 * MSOL SCATTER_DEX = 0.3 BULGE_MASS_FRAC = 0.615 #: Default bulge mass as fraction of total stellar mass def __init__( self, mamp_log10=None, mplaw=None, mref=None, scatter_dex=None, bulge_frac=None, bulge_mfrac=None, **kwargs, ): """Initialize a :class:`MMBulge_Standard(_MMBulge_Relation)` class instance. Arguments --------- mamp_log10 : float or None The normalization of the M-Mbulge relationship, in log10 of solar-masses. This value gives the mass of blackholes for a bulge-mass equal to the reference mass `mref`. mplaw : float or None The power-law index of the M-Mbulge relationship. Unitless. mref : float or None Reference mass used for scaling stellar-bulge masses. scatter_dex : float or None The scatter in dex (i.e. orders of magnitude) in the M-Mbulge relationship. bulge_frac : :class:`_Bulge_Fraction` subclass instance or None The class instance for calculating bulge-fractions and converting from total stellar-masses to stellar bulge-masses. """ # NOTE: manually catch deprecation [2024-04-06] if 'mamp' in kwargs: warn = "The `mamp` parameter has been deprecated! Use `mamp_log10`!" log.warning(warn) if mamp_log10 is not None: err = "Both `mamp` (deprecated!) and `mamp_log10` have been given! Cannot correct." log.exception(err) raise ValueError(err) mamp_log10 = np.log10(kwargs.pop('mamp') / MSOL) # ---- Determine and set bulge fraction super().__init__(bulge_frac=bulge_frac, bulge_mfrac=bulge_mfrac) # ---- Determine normalization if (mamp_log10 is None): mamp_log10 = self.MASS_AMP_LOG10 mamp = MSOL * np.power(10.0, mamp_log10) # ---- Determine other parameters and store to instance if mplaw is None: mplaw = self.MASS_PLAW if mref is None: mref = self.MASS_REF if scatter_dex is None: scatter_dex = self.SCATTER_DEX self._mamp = mamp #: Mass-Amplitude [grams] self._mplaw = mplaw #: Mass Power-law index self._mref = mref #: Reference Mass (argument normalization) self._scatter_dex = scatter_dex if len(kwargs) > 0: warn = f"Unused parameters passed to {self}! {kwargs=}" log.warning(warn) return
[docs] def mbh_from_host(self, pop, scatter=None): host = self.get_host_properties(pop) mbulge = host['mbulge'] mbh = self.mbh_from_mbulge(mbulge, redz=None, scatter=scatter) return mbh
[docs] def mbh_from_mbulge(self, mbulge, redz=None, scatter=None): scatter_dex = self._scatter_dex if scatter else None mbh = _log10_relation(mbulge, self._mamp, self._mplaw, scatter_dex, x0=self._mref) return mbh
[docs] def dmbulge_dmbh(self, mbulge, redz=None, **bfkwargs): """Calculate the partial derivative of bulge mass versus BH mass :math:`d M_bulge / d M_bh`. .. math:: [d M_bulge / d M_bh] = [M_bulge / (plaw * M_bh)] Parameters ---------- mbulge : array_like, [g] Bulge stellar mass of galaxy in units of grams. redz : array_like or `None` Redshifts of the galaxies under consideration. Returns ------- deriv : array_like, [] Jacobian term: partial derivative of stellar mass w.r.t. black-hole mass. This quantity is unitless. """ plaw = self._mplaw mbh = self.mbh_from_mbulge(mbulge, redz=redz, scatter=False) deriv = mbulge / (plaw * mbh) return deriv
[docs] def mbulge_from_mbh(self, mbh, redz=None, scatter=None): """Convert from black-hole mass to stellar-bulge mass. Parameters ---------- mbh : array_like, [g] Mass of black holes in units of grams. redz : array_like or `None` Redshifts of the galaxies under consideration. scatter : bool, Whether or not to include scatter in scaling relationship. Uses `self._scatter_dex` attribute. Returns ------- mbulge : array_like, [g] Mass of stellar bulge in units of grams. """ scatter_dex = self._scatter_dex if scatter else None mbulge = _log10_relation_reverse(mbh, self._mamp, self._mplaw, scatter_dex, x0=self._mref) return mbulge
[docs] def mstar_from_mbh(self, mbh, redz=None, scatter=None, **kwargs): mbulge = self.mbulge_from_mbh(mbh, redz=redz, scatter=scatter) mstar = self._bulge_frac.mstar_from_mbulge(mbulge, redz=redz, **kwargs) return mstar
[docs] class MMBulge_KH2013(MMBulge_Standard): """Mbh-MBulge Relation, single power-law, from Kormendy & Ho 2013. Values taken from [KH2013]_ Eq.10. """ # MASS_AMP = 0.49 * 1e9 * MSOL # 0.49 + 0.06 - 0.05 in units of [Msol] MASS_AMP_LOG10 = 8.69 MASS_REF = MSOL * 1e11 # 1e11 Msol MASS_PLAW = 1.17 # 1.17 ± 0.08 SCATTER_DEX = 0.28 # scatter stdev in dex
[docs] class MMBulge_MM2013(MMBulge_Standard): """Mbh-MBulge Relation from McConnell & Ma 2013 [MM2013]_ Eq. 2, with values taken from Table 2 ("Dynamical masses", first row, "MPFITEXY") """ MASS_AMP_LOG10 = 8.46 # 8.46 ± 0.08 in units of [Msol] MASS_REF = MSOL * 1e11 # 1e11 Msol MASS_PLAW = 1.05 # 1.05 ± 0.11 SCATTER_DEX = 0.34
# ---- M – Mbulge & Redshift Relationships ----
[docs] class MMBulge_Redshift(MMBulge_Standard): """Mbh-Mbulge relation with an additional redshift power-law dependence. Provides black hole mass as a function of galaxy bulge mass and redshift with a normalization that depends on redshift. ``zplaw=0`` (default) is identical to MMBulge_Standard. ``mamp = mamp0 * (1 + z)**zplaw``. TODO: make sure all of the inherited methods from `MMBulge_Standard` are appropriate for redshift dependencies!! In particular, check `dmstar_dmbh` check which redshifts need to be passed into this function. does not pass all cases as is """ # MASS_AMP = 3.0e8 * MSOL MASS_AMP_LOG10 = 8.17 MASS_PLAW = 1.0 MASS_REF = 1.0e11 * MSOL SCATTER_DEX = 0.0 Z_PLAW = 0.0 _PROPERTIES = ['mbulge', 'redz'] def __init__(self, *args, zplaw=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if zplaw is None: zplaw = self.Z_PLAW self._zplaw = zplaw return
[docs] def mbh_from_host(self, pop, scatter): host = self.get_host_properties(pop, copy=False) mbulge = host['mbulge'] # shape (N, 2) redz = host['redz'] # shape (N,) return self.mbh_from_mbulge(mbulge, redz=redz, scatter=scatter)
[docs] def mbh_from_mbulge(self, mbulge, redz, scatter): scatter_dex = self._scatter_dex if scatter else None # Broadcast `redz` to match shape of `mbulge`, if needed # NOTE: this will work for (N,) ==> (N,) or (N,) ==> (N,X) try: redz = np.broadcast_to(redz, mbulge.T.shape).T except TypeError: redz = redz zmamp = self._mamp * (1.0 + redz)**self._zplaw mbh = _log10_relation(mbulge, zmamp, self._mplaw, scatter_dex, x0=self._mref) return mbh
[docs] def mbulge_from_mbh(self, mbh, redz, scatter): scatter_dex = self._scatter_dex if scatter else None zmamp = self._mamp * (1.0 + redz)**self._zplaw mbulge = _log10_relation_reverse(mbh, zmamp, self._mplaw, scatter_dex, x0=self._mref) return mbulge
[docs] class MMBulge_Redshift_MM2013(MMBulge_Redshift): """Mbh-MBulge Relation from McConnell & Ma 2013 for z=0 plus redshift evolution of the normalization BUG/FIX: use multiple-inheritance for this [MM2013]_ Eq. 2, with values taken from Table 2 ("Dynamical masses", first row, "MPFITEXY") """ MASS_AMP_LOG10 = 8.46 # 8.46 ± 0.08 in units of [Msol] MASS_REF = MSOL * 1e11 # 1e11 Msol MASS_PLAW = 1.05 # 1.05 ± 0.11 SCATTER_DEX = 0.34 Z_PLAW = 0.0
[docs] class MMBulge_Redshift_KH2013(MMBulge_Redshift): """Mbh-MBulge Relation from Kormendy & Ho 2013, w/ optional redshift evolution of normalization. BUG/FIX: use multiple-inheritance for this Values taken from [KH2013] Eq.10 (pg. 61 of PDF, "571" of ARAA) """ # MASS_AMP = 0.49 * 1e9 * MSOL # 0.49 + 0.06 - 0.05 in units of [Msol] MASS_AMP_LOG10 = 8.69 MASS_REF = MSOL * 1e11 # 1e11 Msol MASS_PLAW = 1.17 # 1.17 ± 0.08 SCATTER_DEX = 0.28 Z_PLAW = 0.0
[docs] def get_mmbulge_relation(mmbulge: Union[_MMBulge_Relation, Type[_MMBulge_Relation]] = None) -> _MMBulge_Relation: """Return a valid Mbh-Mbulge instance. Parameters ---------- mmbulge : None or (type or instance of `_MMBulge_Relation`), If `None`, then a default M-Mbulge relation is returned. Otherwise, the type is checked to make sure it is a valid instance of an `_MMBulge_Relation`. Returns ------- _MMBulge_Relation Instance of an Mbh-Mbulge relationship. """ return utils.get_subclass_instance(mmbulge, MMBulge_KH2013, _MMBulge_Relation)
# Include a dictionary of all ``_MMBulge_Relation`` subclasses (primarily for unit-testing) _mmbulge_relation_class_dict = { "MMBulge_Standard": MMBulge_Standard, "MMBulge_KH2013": MMBulge_KH2013, "MMBulge_MM2013": MMBulge_MM2013, "MMBulge_Redshift": MMBulge_Redshift, "MMBulge_Redshift_MM2013": MMBulge_Redshift_MM2013, "MMBulge_Redshift_KH2013": MMBulge_Redshift_KH2013, } # ---------------------------------------- # ---- M – Sigma Relationships ---- # ----------------------------------------
[docs] class _MSigma_Relation(_BH_Host_Relation): """Base class for 'M-Sigma relations' between BH mass and host velocity dispersion. """ _PROPERTIES = ['vdisp'] # @abc.abstractmethod # def dmbh_dsigma(self, sigma): # pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def mbh_from_vdisp(self, vdisp, scatter): pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def vdisp_from_mbh(self, mbh, scatter): pass
[docs] class MSigma_Standard(_MSigma_Relation): """Simple M-sigma relation (BH mass vs. host velocity dispersion) as a single power-law. Notes ----- * Single power-law relationship between BH mass and Stellar-bulge mass. :math:`Mbh = M0 * (sigma/sigma_ref)^plaw * 10^Normal(0, eps)` """ MASS_AMP = 1.0e8 * MSOL SIGMA_PLAW = 4.24 SIGMA_REF = 200.0 * KMPERSEC SCATTER_DEX = 0.0 def __init__(self, mamp=None, sigma_plaw=None, sigma_ref=None, scatter_dex=None): if mamp is None: mamp = self.MASS_AMP if sigma_plaw is None: sigma_plaw = self.MASS_PLAW if sigma_ref is None: sigma_ref = self.SIGMA_REF if scatter_dex is None: scatter_dex = self.SCATTER_DEX self._mamp = mamp # Mass-Amplitude [grams] self._sigma_plaw = sigma_plaw # Mass Power-law index self._sigma_ref = sigma_ref # Reference Sigma (argument normalization) self._scatter_dex = scatter_dex return
[docs] def mbh_from_host(self, pop, scatter): host = self.get_host_properties(pop, copy=False) vdisp = host['vdisp'] # shape (N, 2) return self.mbh_from_vdisp(vdisp, scatter=scatter)
[docs] def mbh_from_vdisp(self, vdisp, scatter): """Convert from host galaxy stellar velocity dispersion to black-hole mass. Parameters ---------- vdisp : array_like, Host-galaxy velocity dispersion. [cm/s]. scatter : bool, Whether or not to include scatter in scaling relationship. Uses `self._scatter_dex` attribute. Returns ------- mbh : array_like, Mass of black hole. [grams] """ scatter_dex = self._scatter_dex if scatter else None mbh = _log10_relation(vdisp, self._mamp, self._sigma_plaw, scatter_dex, x0=self._sigma_ref) return mbh
[docs] def vdisp_from_mbh(self, mbh, scatter): """Convert from black-hole mass to host galaxy stellar velocity dispersion. Parameters ---------- mbh : array_like, Mass of black hole. [grams] scatter : bool, Whether or not to include scatter in scaling relationship. Uses `self._scatter_dex` attribute. Returns ------- vdisp : array_like, Host-galaxy velocity dispersion. [cm/s]. """ scatter_dex = self._scatter_dex if scatter else None vdisp = _log10_relation_reverse(mbh, self._mamp, self._sigma_plaw, scatter_dex, x0=self._sigma_ref) return vdisp
# def dmbh_dsigma(self, sigma): # # Is this needed? I don't know # return None
[docs] class MSigma_MM2013(MSigma_Standard): """Mbh-Sigma Relation from McConnell & Ma 2013. [MM2013]_ Eq. 2, with values taken from Table 2 ("M-sigma all galaxies", first row, "MPFITEXY") """ MASS_AMP = MSOL * 10.0 ** 8.32 # 8.32 ± 0.05 in units of [Msol] SIGMA_REF = KMPERSEC * 200.0 # 200 km/s MASS_PLAW = 5.64 # 5.64 ± 0.32 SCATTER_DEX = 0.38
[docs] class MSigma_KH2013(MSigma_Standard): """Mbh-Sigma Relation from Kormendy & Ho 2013. [KH2013]_ Eq. 10, (pg. 65 of PDF, "575" of ARAA) """ MASS_AMP = MSOL * 10.0 ** 8.46 # 8.46 ± 0.07 in units of [Msol] SIGMA_REF = KMPERSEC * 200.0 # 200 km/s MASS_PLAW = 4.26 # 4.26 ± 0.44 SCATTER_DEX = 0.30
[docs] def get_msigma_relation(msigma: Union[_MSigma_Relation, Type[_MSigma_Relation]] = None) -> _MSigma_Relation: """Return a valid M-sigma (BH Mass vs. host galaxy velocity dispersion) instance. Parameters ---------- msigma : None or (class or instance of `_MSigma_Relation`), If `None`, then a default M-sigma relation is returned. Otherwise, the type is checked to make sure it is a valid instance of an `_MSigma_Relation`. Returns ------- _MSigma_Relation Instance of an Mbh-sigma relationship. """ return utils.get_subclass_instance(msigma, MSigma_KH2013, _MSigma_Relation)
def _add_scatter(vals: ArrayLike, eps: ArrayLike) -> ArrayLike: """Add scatter to the input values with a given standard deviation. Parameters ---------- vals : ArrayLike Values that scatter should be added to. eps : ArrayLike Standard deviation of the scatter that should be added. This must either be a single `float` value, or an ArrayLike broadcastable against `vals`. Returns ------- vals : ArrayLike Values with added scatter. """ eps = None if (eps is False) else eps if (eps is not None): shp = np.shape(vals) # for a scalar value of `eps` draw from a zero-averaged normal distribution with that stdev if np.isscalar(eps): eps = np.random.normal(0.0, eps, size=shp) else: eps = np.random.normal(0.0, eps) # else: # err = f"Shape of `eps` ({np.shape(eps)}) does not match input values ({shp})!" # log.exception(err) # raise TypeError(err) vals = vals + eps return vals def _log10_relation(xx, amp, plaw, eps_dex, x0=1.0): """Calculate the forward output of a standard base-10 power-law scaling relationship. :math:`y = amp * (xx/x0)^plaw * 10^Normal(0, e)` Parameters ---------- xx : scalar or array_like, Input arguments for scaling relationship. amp : scalar or array_like, Amplitude (in linear space) of scaling relationship, in desired units (e.g. grams). plaw : scalar or array_like, Power-law index of scaling relationship. eps_dex : `None` or `False` or scalar or array_like, Scatter (in dex, i.e. log10 space) for the relationship. If `False` or `None`, no scatter is added (the same as a value of 0.0). x0 : scalar or array_like, Units/normalization of input values. Returns ------- yy : array_like, Output values with the same shape as the input `xx`. """ yy = np.log10(xx/x0) * plaw # Add scatter to scaling relationship based on given specification in `eps_dex` yy = _add_scatter(yy, eps_dex) # Convert from dex to actual values yy = amp * np.power(10.0, yy) return yy def _log10_relation_reverse(yy, amp, plaw, eps_dex, x0=1.0): """Calculate the reverse of a standard base-10 power-law scaling relationship. From the standard expression, take as input `y` and return `x`: :math:`y = amp * (xx/x0)^plaw * 10^Normal(0, e)` NOTE: the scatter (`eps_dex`) adds *additional* variance, instead of removing it. Parameters ---------- yy : scalar or array_like, Arguments to be reversed. This would be the 'output' of the standard forward relation. amp : scalar or array_like, Amplitude (in linear space) of scaling relationship, in desired units (e.g. grams). plaw : scalar or array_like, Power-law index of scaling relationship. eps_dex : `None` or `False` or scalar or array_like, Scatter (in dex, i.e. log10 space) for the relationship. If `False` or `None`, no scatter is added (the same as a value of 0.0). x0 : scalar or array_like, Units/normalization of input values. Returns ------- xx : array_like, Values that would be the 'inputs' for the standard forward relationship. """ xx = np.log10(yy/amp) # Add scatter to scaling relationship based on given specification in `eps_dex` xx = _add_scatter(xx, eps_dex) xx = (1.0 / plaw) * xx # Convert from dex to actual values xx = x0 * np.power(10.0, xx) return xx # ================================================================================================= # ==== Stellar-Mass Halo-Mass Relation ==== # ================================================================================================= class _StellarMass_HaloMass(abc.ABC): """Base class for a general one-parameter Stellar-Mass vs Halo-Mass relation. Uses log-linear interpolation of a pre-calculated grid to calculate halo mass from stellar mass. """ _NUM_GRID = 200 #: grid size _MHALO_GRID_EXTR = [7, 20] #: extrema for the halo mass grid [log10(M/Msol)] def __init__(self): self._mhalo_grid = np.logspace(*self._MHALO_GRID_EXTR, self._NUM_GRID) * MSOL self._mstar = self.stellar_mass(self._mhalo_grid) xx = np.log10(self._mstar / MSOL) yy = np.log10(self._mhalo_grid / MSOL) self._mhalo_from_mstar = sp.interpolate.interp1d(xx, yy, kind='linear', bounds_error=False, fill_value=np.nan) return @abc.abstractmethod def stellar_mass(self, *args, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: """Calculate the stellar-mass for the given halo mass. Parameters ---------- mhalo : ArrayLike Halo mass. [gram] Returns ------- mstar : ArrayLike Stellar mass. [gram] """ pass def halo_mass(self, mstar: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: """Calculate the stellar-mass for the given halo mass. Parameters ---------- mstar : ArrayLike Stellar mass. [gram] Returns ------- mhalo : ArrayLike Halo mass. [gram] """ ynew = MSOL * 10.0 ** self._mhalo_from_mstar(np.log10(mstar/MSOL)) return ynew class _StellarMass_HaloMass_Redshift(_StellarMass_HaloMass): """Base class for a Stellar-Mass vs Halo-Mass relation including redshift dependence. Uses interpolation of a pre-calculated grid to calculate halo mass from stellar mass and redz. """ _REDZ_GRID_EXTR = [0.0, 10.0] #: edges of the parameter space in redshift _MSTAR_GRID_EXTR = [5.0, 14.0] #: edges of the parameter space in stellar-mass [log10(M/Msol)] def __init__(self, extend_nearest=True): self._mhalo_grid = np.logspace(*self._MHALO_GRID_EXTR, self._NUM_GRID) * MSOL # shape (H,) self._redz_grid = np.linspace(*self._REDZ_GRID_EXTR, self._NUM_GRID+2) # shape (Z,) mhalo = self._mhalo_grid[:, np.newaxis] redz = self._redz_grid[np.newaxis, :] # Calculate stellar-mass given the grid of halo-mass and redshift # Shape (H, Z) self._mstar = self.stellar_mass(mhalo, redz) # units of [gram] # ---- Construct interpolator to go from (mstar, redz) ==> (mhalo) # first: convert data to grid of (mstar, redz) ==> (mhalo) mstar = np.log10(self._mstar / MSOL) # store the normal shape (H, Z) shape = mstar.shape # convert from (H, Z) ==> (H*Z,) mstar_rav = mstar.ravel() # Get grids for halo-mass and redshift, (H, Z) ==> (H*Z,) redz = self._redz_grid mhalo = np.log10(self._mhalo_grid / MSOL) mhalo_ravel, redz_ravel = np.meshgrid(mhalo, redz, indexing='ij') redz_ravel, mhalo_ravel = [bc.ravel() for bc in [redz_ravel, mhalo_ravel]] mstar_out_extr = [mstar_rav.min(), mstar_rav.max()] if self._MSTAR_GRID_EXTR is not None: extr = self._MSTAR_GRID_EXTR if extr[0] < mstar_out_extr[0] or extr[1] > mstar_out_extr[1]: log.debug("using wider range of stellar-mass than calculated from halo-mass grid!") log.debug(f"\tmstar(mhalo) = [{mstar_out_extr[0]:.2e}, {mstar_out_extr[1]:.2e}]") log.debug(f"\tmstar grid = [{extr[0]:.2e}, {extr[1]:.2e}]") mstar_out_extr = extr xx = np.linspace(*mstar_out_extr, shape[0]) self._mstar_grid = MSOL * (10.0 ** xx) self._mhalo = MSOL * (10.0 ** mhalo_ravel.reshape(shape)) yy = redz xg, yg = np.meshgrid(xx, yy, indexing='ij') self._xx = xx # NOTE: these are being stored for debugging/diagnostics self._yy = yy # NOTE: these are being stored for debugging/diagnostics self._aa = mstar_rav # NOTE: these are being stored for debugging/diagnostics self._bb = redz_ravel # NOTE: these are being stored for debugging/diagnostics self._cc = mhalo_ravel # NOTE: these are being stored for debugging/diagnostics grid = sp.interpolate.griddata((mstar_rav, redz_ravel), mhalo_ravel, (xg, yg)) bads = ~np.isfinite(grid) if np.any(bads): if extend_nearest: backup = sp.interpolate.NearestNDInterpolator((mstar_rav, redz_ravel), mhalo_ravel)((xg, yg)) grid[bads] = backup[bads] else: log.warning(f"Non-finite values ({utils.frac_str(bads)}) in mhalo interpolation grid!") log.warning("Use `extend_nearest=True` to fill with nearest values.") self._grid = grid # NOTE: these are being stored for debugging/diagnostics # second: construct interpolator from grid to arbitrary scatter points interp = sp.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator((xx, yy), grid) self._mhalo_from_mstar_redz = interp return @abc.abstractmethod def stellar_mass(self, mhalo: ArrayLike, redz: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: """Calculate the stellar-mass for the given halo mass and redshift. Parameters ---------- mhalo : ArrayLike Halo mass. [gram] redz : ArrayLike Redshift. Returns ------- mstar : ArrayLike Stellar mass. [gram] """ pass def halo_mass(self, mstar: ArrayLike, redz: ArrayLike, clip: bool = False) -> np.ndarray: """Calculate the halo-mass for the given stellar mass and redshift. Parameters ---------- mstar : ArrayLike Stellar mass. [gram] redz : ArrayLike Redshift. clip : bool Whether or not to clip the input `mstar` values to the extrema of the predefined grid of stellar-masses (`_mstar_grid`). Returns ------- mhalo : ArrayLike Halo mass. [gram] """ if (np.ndim(mstar) not in [0, 1]) or np.any(np.shape(mstar) != np.shape(redz)): err = f"both `mstar` ({np.shape(mstar)}) and `redz` ({np.shape(redz)}) must be 1D and same length!" log.error(err) raise ValueError(err) squeeze = np.isscalar(mstar) mstar_log10 = np.log10(mstar/MSOL) if clip: bounds = np.array([self._mstar_grid[0], self._mstar_grid[-1]]) bounds = np.log10(bounds / MSOL) idx = (mstar_log10 < bounds[0]) | (bounds[1] < mstar_log10) if np.any(idx): log.debug(f"clipping {utils.frac_str(idx)} `mstar` values outside bounds ({bounds})!") mstar_log10[idx] = np.clip(mstar_log10[idx], *bounds) vals = np.array([mstar_log10, redz]) try: ynew = MSOL * 10.0 ** self._mhalo_from_mstar_redz(vals.T) except ValueError as err: log.exception("Interplation (mstar, redz) ==> mhalo failed!") log.error(err) extr = [utils.minmax(xx) for xx in [self._xx, self._yy]] for vv, nn, ee in zip(vals, ['log10(mstar/Msol)', 'redz'], extr): log.error(f"{nn} (extrema = {ee}): {utils.stats(vv)}") raise if squeeze: ynew = ynew.squeeze() return ynew
[docs] class Guo_2010(_StellarMass_HaloMass): """Stellar-Mass - Halo-Mass relation from Guo et al. 2010. [Guo2010]_ Eq.3 """ _NORM = 0.129 _M0 = (10**11.4) * MSOL _ALPHA = 0.926 _BETA = 0.261 _GAMMA = 2.440
[docs] @classmethod def stellar_mass(cls, mhalo): M0 = cls._M0 t1 = np.power(mhalo/M0, -cls._ALPHA) t2 = np.power(mhalo/M0, +cls._BETA) mstar = mhalo * cls._NORM * np.power(t1 + t2, -cls._GAMMA) return mstar
[docs] class Behroozi_2013(_StellarMass_HaloMass_Redshift): """Redshift-dependent Stellar-Mass - Halo-Mass relation based on Behroozi et al. 2013. [Behroozi2013]_ best fit values are at the beginning of Section 5 (pg.9), uncertainties are 1-sigma. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._f0 = self._f_func(0.0) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) return
[docs] def stellar_mass(self, mhalo, redz): """This is [Behroozi2013]_ Eq.3 (upper)""" eps = self._eps(redz) m1 = self._m1(redz) mstar = np.log10(eps*m1/MSOL) + self._f_func(np.log10(mhalo/m1), redz) - self._f0 mstar = np.power(10.0, mstar) * MSOL return mstar
[docs] def _nu_func(sca): """[Behroozi2013]_ Eq. 4""" return np.exp(-4.0 * sca*sca)
[docs] @classmethod def _param_func(cls, redz, v0, va, vz, va2=None): """[Behroozi2013]_ Eq. 4""" rv = v0 sca = cosmo.z_to_a(redz) rv = rv + cls._nu_func(sca) * (va * (sca - 1.0) + vz * redz) if va2 is not None: rv += va2 * (sca - 1.0) return rv
[docs] @classmethod def _eps(cls, redz=0.0): e0 = -1.777 # +0.133 -0.146 ea = -0.006 # +0.113 -0.361 ez = 0.0 # +0.003 -0.104 ea2 = -0.119 # +0.061 -0.012 eps = 10.0 ** cls._param_func(redz, e0, ea, ez, va2=ea2) return eps
[docs] @classmethod def _m1(cls, redz=0.0): m0 = 11.514 # +0.053 -0.009 ma = -1.793 # +0.315 -0.330 mz = -0.251 # +0.012 -0.125 m1 = MSOL * 10.0 ** cls._param_func(redz, m0, ma, mz) return m1
[docs] @classmethod def _alpha(cls, redz=0.0): a0 = -1.412 # +0.020 -0.105 aa = 0.731 # +0.344 -0.296 az = 0.0 alpha = cls._param_func(redz, a0, aa, az) return alpha
[docs] @classmethod def _delta(cls, redz=0.0): d0 = 3.508 # +0.087 -0.369 da = 2.608 # +2.446 -1.261 dz = -0.043 # +0.958 -0.071 delta = cls._param_func(redz, d0, da, dz) return delta
[docs] @classmethod def _gamma(cls, redz=0.0): g0 = 0.316 # +0.076 -0.012 ga = 1.319 # +0.584 -0.505 gz = 0.279 # +0.256 -0.081 gamma = cls._param_func(redz, g0, ga, gz) return gamma
[docs] @classmethod def _xsi(cls, redz=0.0): """[Behroozi+2013] Eq.5""" x0 = 0.218 # +0.011 -0.033 xa = -0.023 # +0.052 -0.068 xsi = x0 if redz > 0.0: sca = cosmo._z_to_z(redz) xsi += xa * (sca - 1.0) return xsi
[docs] @classmethod def _f_func(cls, xx, redz=0.0): """[Behroozi+2013] Eq.3 (lower)""" alpha = cls._alpha(redz) delta = cls._delta(redz) gamma = cls._gamma(redz) t1 = -np.log10(10**(alpha*xx) + 1) t2 = np.log10(1 + np.exp(xx)) ** gamma t3 = 1 + np.exp(10.0 ** -xx) ff = t1 + delta * t2 / t3 return ff
def get_stellar_mass_halo_mass_relation( smhm: Union[_StellarMass_HaloMass, Type[_StellarMass_HaloMass]] = None ) -> _StellarMass_HaloMass: """Return a valid Stellar-Mass vs. Halo-Mass relation instance. Parameters ---------- smhm : None or (type or instance of `_StellarMass_HaloMass`), If `None`, then a default relation is returned. Otherwise, the type is checked to make sure it is a valid instance of an `_StellarMass_HaloMass`. Returns ------- _StellarMass_HaloMass Instance of an Mbh-Mbulge relationship. """ return utils.get_subclass_instance(smhm, Behroozi_2013, _StellarMass_HaloMass)