holodeck.librarian module

Module to generate and manage holodeck libraries.

Holodeck ‘libraries’ are collections of simulations in which a certain set of parameters are varied, producing different populations and/or GW signatures at each sampled parameter value. Libraries are run from the same parameter-space and using the same hyper parameters. Libraries are constructed using a ‘parameter space’ class that organizes the different simulations. The base-class is _Param_Space (defined in the holodeck.librarian.libraries file). The parameter-space subclasses are given a number of different parameters to be varied. Each parameter is implemented as a subclass of _Param_Dist, for example the PD_Uniform class that implements a uniform distribution.

For more information, see the ‘libraries’ page in the getting-started guide.


The librarian module is composed of the following elements:

  • The core components of the holodeck libraries are defined in libraries. Constructing simulations from parameter spaces can be performed using the relevant parameter spaces themselves (subclasses of _Param_Space).

  • Parameter spaces are defined in the ‘param_spaces’ files, particularly:

  • Library generation functionality is in the gen_lib module.

  • Analytic fits to libraries can be performed using fit_spectra.

  • Drawing samples (sample populations) from libraries fit to particular constraints (for example, the NANOGrav 15yr observations) is performed using the module posterior_populations.

holodeck.librarian.DEF_NUM_REALS = 100

Default number of realizations to construct in libraries.

holodeck.librarian.DEF_NUM_FBINS = 40

Default number of frequency bins at which to calculate GW signals.

holodeck.librarian.DEF_NUM_LOUDEST = 5

Default number of loudest binaries to calculate in each frequency bin.

holodeck.librarian.DEF_PTA_DUR = 16.03

Default PTA duration which determines Nyquist frequency bins [yrs].

holodeck.librarian.param_spaces_dict = {'PS_Astro_Strong_All': <class 'holodeck.librarian.param_spaces.PS_Astro_Strong_All'>, 'PS_Astro_Strong_GMR': <class 'holodeck.librarian.param_spaces.PS_Astro_Strong_GMR'>, 'PS_Astro_Strong_GSMF': <class 'holodeck.librarian.param_spaces.PS_Astro_Strong_GSMF'>, 'PS_Astro_Strong_Hard': <class 'holodeck.librarian.param_spaces.PS_Astro_Strong_Hard'>, 'PS_Astro_Strong_MMBulge': <class 'holodeck.librarian.param_spaces.PS_Astro_Strong_MMBulge'>, 'PS_Classic_GWOnly_Astro_Extended': <class 'holodeck.librarian.param_spaces_classic.PS_Classic_GWOnly_Astro_Extended'>, 'PS_Classic_GWOnly_Uniform': <class 'holodeck.librarian.param_spaces_classic.PS_Classic_GWOnly_Uniform'>, 'PS_Classic_Phenom_Astro_Extended': <class 'holodeck.librarian.param_spaces_classic.PS_Classic_Phenom_Astro_Extended'>, 'PS_Classic_Phenom_Uniform': <class 'holodeck.librarian.param_spaces_classic.PS_Classic_Phenom_Uniform'>, 'PS_Test': <class 'holodeck.librarian.param_spaces_classic.PS_Test'>}

Registry of standard parameter-spaces