
Numerical Constants

All constants are used in CGS units, as raw floats. Most of the holodeck package works in CGS units whenever possible. Constants and units should only be added when they are frequently used (i.e. in multiple files/submodules).


  • [cm] = centimeter

  • [g] = gram

  • [s] = second

  • [erg] = cm^2 * g / s^2

  • [Jy] = jansky = [erg/s/cm^2/Hz]

  • [fr] franklin = statcoulomb = electro-static unit [esu]

  • [K] Kelvin

holodeck.constants.ARCSEC = 4.84813681109536e-06

arcsecond in radians []

holodeck.constants.AU = 14959787070000.0

Astronomical Unit [cm]

holodeck.constants.DAY = 86400.0

Day [s]

holodeck.constants.EDDT = 63219.620781981204

Eddington Luminosity prefactor factor [erg/s/g]

holodeck.constants.EVOLT = 1.6021766339999997e-12

Electronvolt in ergs

holodeck.constants.GPC = 3.085677581491367e+27

Giga-parsec [cm]

holodeck.constants.GYR = 3.15576e+16

Giga-year [s]

holodeck.constants.HPLANCK = 6.62607015e-27

Planck constant [erg/s]

holodeck.constants.JY = 1e-23

Jansky [erg/s/cm^2/Hz]

holodeck.constants.KBOLTZ = 1.380649e-16

Boltzmann constant [erg/K]

holodeck.constants.KMPERSEC = 100000.0

km/s [cm/s]

holodeck.constants.KPC = 3.0856775814913673e+21

Kilo-parsec [cm]

holodeck.constants.LSOL = 3.828e+33

Solar Luminosity [erg/s]

holodeck.constants.MELC = 9.1093837015e-28

Electron Mass [g]

holodeck.constants.MPC = 3.0856775814913676e+24

Mega-parsec [cm]

holodeck.constants.MPRT = 1.67262192369e-24

Proton Mass [g]

holodeck.constants.MSOL = 1.988409870698051e+33

Solar Mass [g]

holodeck.constants.MYR = 31557600000000.0

Mega-year [s]

holodeck.constants.NWTG = 6.674299999999999e-08

Newton’s Gravitational Constant [cm^3/g/s^2]

holodeck.constants.PC = 3.0856775814913674e+18

Parsec [cm]

holodeck.constants.QELC = 4.803204712570263e-10

Fundamental unit of charge (electron charge) [fr]

holodeck.constants.RSOL = 69570000000.0

Solar Radius [cm]

holodeck.constants.SCHW = 1.4852320538237328e-28

Schwarzschild Constant (2*G/c^2) [cm]

holodeck.constants.SIGMA_SB = 5.6703744191844314e-05

Stefan-Boltzmann constant [erg/cm^2/s/K^4]

holodeck.constants.SIGMA_T = 6.6524587321000005e-25

Thomson/Electron -Scattering cross-section [cm^2]

holodeck.constants.SPLC = 29979245800.0

Speed of light [cm/s]

holodeck.constants.YR = 31557600.0

year [s]