Source code for holodeck.gravwaves

"""Gravitational Wave (GW) calculations module.

This module provides tools for calculating GW signals from MBH binaries.
Currently the components here are used with the 'discrete' / 'illustris' population of binaries,
and not the semi-analytic or observational population models.


from typing import Any
import numba
import numpy as np

import kalepy as kale

import holodeck as holo
from holodeck import utils, cosmo, log, hardening
from holodeck.constants import SPLC, NWTG, MPC

_CALC_MC_PARS = ['mass', 'sepa', 'dadt', 'scafa', 'eccen']

[docs] class Grav_Waves: def __init__(self, bin_evo, fobs_gw, nharms=103, nreals=100): self.fobs_gw = fobs_gw self.nharms = nharms self.nreals = nreals self._bin_evo = bin_evo return @property def freqs(self): return self.fobs_gw
[docs] class GW_Discrete(Grav_Waves): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._box_vol_cgs = self._bin_evo._sample_volume return
[docs] def emit(self, eccen=None, stats=False, progress=True, nloudest=5): fobs_gw = self.fobs_gw nfreqs = fobs_gw.size nharms = self.nharms nreals = self.nreals bin_evo = self._bin_evo box_vol = self._box_vol_cgs if eccen is None: eccen = (bin_evo.eccen is not None) if eccen not in [True, False]: raise ValueError("`eccen` '{}' is invalid!".format(eccen)) loudest = np.zeros((nfreqs, nloudest, nreals)) fore = np.zeros((nfreqs, nreals)) back = np.zeros((nfreqs, nreals)) both = np.zeros((nfreqs, nreals)) if eccen: harm_range = range(1, nharms+1) else: harm_range = [2] harms = np.zeros((nfreqs, nharms)) freq_iter = enumerate(fobs_gw) freq_iter = utils.tqdm(freq_iter, total=len(fobs_gw), desc='GW frequencies') if progress else freq_iter for ii, fogw in freq_iter: lo = fobs_gw[0] if (ii == 0) else fobs_gw[ii-1] hi = fobs_gw[1] if (ii == 0) else fobs_gw[ii] dlnf = np.log(hi) - np.log(lo) _both, _fore, _back, _loud, _gwb_harms = _gws_harmonics_at_evo_fobs( fogw, dlnf, bin_evo, harm_range, nreals, box_vol, loudest=nloudest ) loudest[ii, :] = _loud both[ii, :] = _both fore[ii, :] = _fore back[ii, :] = _back harms[ii, :] = _gwb_harms self.both = np.sqrt(both) self.fore = np.sqrt(fore) self.back = np.sqrt(back) self.strain = np.sqrt(back + fore) self.loudest = loudest self.harms = harms return
[docs] class LISA: def __init__(self, mission_duration_yrs=5.0, fobs=(1.0e-7, 1.0, 1000)): from astropy import units as u try: import legwork except ModuleNotFoundError: err = ( "Could not load `legwork` module, required for `LISA` class. " "Run `$ pip install legwork` to install." ) raise ModuleNotFoundError(err) dur = mission_duration_yrs * u.yr fobs = np.logspace(*np.log10(fobs[:2]), fobs[2]) * u.Hz lisa_psd = legwork.psd.power_spectral_density(f=fobs, t_obs=dur) lisa_hc = np.sqrt(fobs * lisa_psd) self.sensitivity_fo = fobs.cgs.value self.sensitivity_hc = lisa_hc.value return @property def sensitivity(self): return self.sensitivity_fo, self.sensitivity_hc
[docs] def is_above_hc_curve(self, ff, hc): """Determine which frequencies and strains are above the LISA sensitivity curve. Arguments --------- ff : array_like of float Frequencies of binaries. Units of [Hz] hc : array_like of float Characterstic-strains of binaries. Returns ------- sel : array_like of bool Whether or not the corresponding binary is detectable. Matches the shape of `ff`. """ # get sensitivity curve, `fl` frequencies in [1/sec], `hl` characteristic-strain sensitivity fl, hl = self.sensitivity # use logarithmic interpolation to find the LISA sensitivity curve at the binary frequencies # if the binary frequencies are outside of the LISA band, `NaN` values are returned sens_at_ff = utils.interp(ff, fl, hl, xlog=True, ylog=True) # select binaries above sensitivity curve, `NaN` values (i.e. outside of band) will be False. sel = (hc > sens_at_ff) return sel
# @utils.copy_docstring(is_above_hc_curve) def __call__(self, ff, hc): return self.is_above_hc_curve(ff, hc)
[docs] def _gws_harmonics_at_evo_fobs(fobs_gw, dlnf, evo, harm_range, nreals, box_vol, loudest=5): """Calculate GW signal at range of frequency harmonics for a single observer-frame GW frequency. Parameters ---------- fobs_gw : float Observer-frame GW-frequency in units of [1/sec]. This is a single, float value. dlnf : float Log-width of observered-frequency bin, i.e. $\\Delta \\ln f$. This is width of observed GW frequency bins. evo : `holodeck.evolution.Evolution` Initialized and evolved binary evolution instance, storing the binary evolution histories of each binary. harm_range : list[int] Harmonics of the orbital-frequency at which to calculate GW emission. For circular orbits, only [2] is needed, as the GW frequency is twice the orbital frequency. For eccentric orbital, GW emission is produced both at harmonic 1 and higher harmonics. The higher the eccentricity the more GW energy is emitted at higher and higher harmonics. nreals : int Number of realizations to calculate in Poisson sampling. box_vol : float Volume of the simulation box that the binary population is derived from. Units of [cm^3]. loudest : int Number of 'loudest' (highest amplitude) strain values to calculate and return separately. Returns ------- mc_ecc_both : (R,) ndarray, Combined (background + foreground) GW Strain at this frequency, for `R` realizations. mc_ecc_fore : (R,) ndarray, GW foreground strain (i.e. loudest single source) at this frequency, for `R` realizations. mc_ecc_back : (R,) ndarray, GW background strain (i.e. all sources except for the loudest) at this frequency, for `R` realizations. loud : (L, R) ndarray, Strains of the `L` loudest binaries (L=`loudest` input parameter) for each realization. gwb_harms : (H,) """ # ---- Interpolate data to all harmonics of this frequency harm_range = np.asarray(harm_range) # (H,) observer-frame orbital-frequency for each harmonic fobs_orb = fobs_gw / harm_range # Each parameter will be (N, H) = (binaries, harmonics) data_harms ='fobs', fobs_orb, params=_CALC_MC_PARS) # Only examine binaries reaching the given locations before redshift zero (other redz=inifinite) # (N, H) redz = data_harms['scafa'] redz = cosmo.a_to_z(redz) valid = (redz > 0.0) # There are 'V' valid == True elements of the (N, H) arrays, such that V <= N*H # anytime an (N, H) ndarray is sliced by the `valid` ndarray, it results in a (V,) ndarray # Broadcast harmonics numbers to correct shape, (N, H) harms_2d = np.ones_like(redz, dtype=int) * harm_range[np.newaxis, :] harms_1d = harms_2d[valid] # ---- Handle Eccentricities and eccentricity distribution function # `None` or ndarray shape (N, H) eccen = data_harms['eccen'] # for circular binaries, we should only be consider the n=2 harmonic, and gne(n=2)=1.0 if eccen is None: gne = 1 assert np.all(harms_2d == 2) # If there are eccentricities, calculate the freq-dist-function else: # (V,) array [i.e. the `valid` slice of (N, H)] eccen = eccen[valid] gne = utils.gw_freq_dist_func(harms_1d, ee=eccen) # Handle (near-)zero eccentricities manually # when eccentricity is very low, set all harmonics to zero except for n=2 # Select the elements corresponding to the n=2 (circular) harmonic, to use later # (N, H) sel_n2 = np.zeros_like(redz, dtype=bool) sel_n2[(harms_2d == 2)] = 1 # (V,) sel_n2 = sel_n2[valid] # Select near-zero eccentricities and set the gne values manually sel_e0 = (eccen < 1e-12) gne[sel_e0] = 0.0 gne[sel_n2 & sel_e0] = 1.0 # ---- Calculate GWB frst_orb = utils.frst_from_fobs(fobs_orb, redz) # Select only the valid elements, also converts to 1D, i.e. (N, H) ==> (V,) redz = redz[valid] frst_orb = frst_orb[valid] # Calculate required parameters for valid binaries (V,) dcom = cosmo.z_to_dcom(redz) mchirp = data_harms['mass'][valid] mchirp = utils.chirp_mass(*mchirp.T) # Calculate strains from each source hs2 = utils.gw_strain_source(mchirp, dcom, frst_orb)**2 dfdt, _ = utils.dfdt_from_dadt(data_harms['dadt'][valid], data_harms['sepa'][valid], frst_orb=frst_orb) _lambda_fact = utils.lambda_factor_dlnf(frst_orb, dfdt, redz, dcom=dcom) / box_vol num_binaries = _lambda_fact * dlnf shape = (num_binaries.size, nreals) num_pois = poisson_as_needed(num_binaries[:, np.newaxis] * np.ones(shape)) # --- Calculate GW Signals temp = hs2 * gne * (2.0 / harms_1d)**2 both = np.sum(temp[:, np.newaxis] * num_pois / dlnf, axis=0) # Calculate and return the expectation value hc^2 for each harmonic # (N, H) gwb_harms = np.zeros_like(harms_2d, dtype=float) gwb_harms[valid] = temp * num_binaries / dlnf # (N, H) ==> (H,) gwb_harms = np.sum(gwb_harms, axis=0) if np.any(num_pois > 0): # Find the L loudest binaries in each realizations loud = np.sort(temp[:, np.newaxis] * (num_pois > 0), axis=0)[::-1, :] fore = loud[0, :] loud = loud[:loudest, :] else: fore = np.zeros_like(both) loud = np.zeros((loudest, nreals)) back = both - fore return both, fore, back, loud, gwb_harms
[docs] def _gws_from_samples(vals, weights, fobs_gw_edges): """Calculate GW signals at the given frequencies, from weighted samples of a binary population. Parameters ---------- vals : (4, N) ndarray of scalar, Arrays of binary parameters. * vals[0] : mtot [grams] * vals[1] : mrat [] * vals[2] : redz [] * vals[3] : *observer*-frame *orbital*-frequency of binaries [1/sec] weights : (N,) array of scalar, fobs_gw_edges : (F,) array of scalar, Target observer-frame GW-frequencies to calculate GWs at. Units of [1/sec]. Returns ------- gff : (F,) ndarray, Observer-frame GW-frequencies of the loudest binary in each bin [1/sec]. gwf : (F,) ndarray, GW Foreground: the characteristic strain of the loudest binary in each frequency bin. gwb : (F,) ndarray, GW Background: the characteristic strain of the GWB in each frequency bin. Does not include the strain from the loudest binary in each bin (`gwf`). """ # `fogw` is observer-frame GW-frequencies of binary samples hs, fogw = _strains_from_samples(vals) gff, gwf, gwb = gws_from_sampled_strains(fobs_gw_edges, fogw, hs, weights) return gff, gwf, gwb
[docs] def _strains_from_samples(vals): """From a sampled binary population, calculate the GW strains. Parameters ---------- vals : (4,) array_like of array_like, Each element of `vals` is an array of binary parameters, the elements must be: * 0) total binary mass [grams] * 1) binary mass-ratio [], * 2) redshift at this frequency [], * 3) *observer*-frame *orbital*-frequency [1/sec]. Returns ------- hs : (N,) ndarray, Source strains (i.e. not characteristic strains) of each binary. fobs_gw : (N,) ndarray, Observer-frame GW-frequencies of each sampled binary. [1/sec]. """ mc = utils.chirp_mass(*utils.m1m2_from_mtmr(vals[0], vals[1])) rz = vals[2] dc = cosmo.comoving_distance(rz).cgs.value fobs_orb = vals[3] frst_orb = utils.frst_from_fobs(fobs_orb, rz) hs = utils.gw_strain_source(mc, dc, frst_orb) fobs_gw = fobs_orb * 2.0 return hs, fobs_gw
[docs] @numba.njit def gws_from_sampled_strains(fobs_gw_edges, fo, hs, weights): """Calculate GW background/foreground from sampled GW strains. Parameters ---------- fobs_gw_edges : (F,) array_like of scalar Observer-frame GW-frequency bin edges. fo : (S,) array_like of scalar Observer-frame GW-frequency of each binary sample. Units of [1/sec] hs : (S,) array_like of scalar GW source strain (*not characteristic strain*) of each binary sample. weights : (S,) array_like of int Weighting factor for each binary. NOTE: the GW calculation is ill-defined if weights have fractional values (i.e. float values, instead of integral values; but the type itself doesn't matter) Returns ------- gwf_freqs : (F,) ndarray of scalar Observer-frame GW frequency of foreground sources in each frequency bin. Units of [1/sec]. gwfore : (F,) ndarray of scalar Strain amplitude of foreground sources in each frequency bin. gwback : (F,) ndarray of scalar Strain amplitude of the background in each frequency bin. """ # ---- Initialize num_samp = fo.size # number of binaries/samples num_freq = fobs_gw_edges.size - 1 # number of frequency bins (edges - 1) gwback = np.zeros(num_freq) # store GWB characteristic strain gwfore = np.zeros(num_freq) # store loudest binary characteristic strain, for each bin gwf_freqs = np.zeros(num_freq) # store frequency of loudest binary, for each bin # ---- Sort input by frequency for faster iteration idx = np.argsort(fo) fo = fo[idx] hs = hs[idx] weights = weights[idx] # ---- Calculate GW background and foreground in each frequency bin ii = 0 lo = fobs_gw_edges[0] for ff in range(num_freq): # upper-bound to this frequency bin hi = fobs_gw_edges[ff+1] # number of GW cycles (1/dlnf), for conversion to characteristic strain # dlnf = (np.log(hi) - np.log(lo)) df = (hi - lo) # amplitude and frequency of the loudest source in this bin hmax = 0.0 fmax = 0.0 # iterate over all sources with frequencies below this bin's limit (right edge) while (ii < num_samp) and (fo[ii] < hi): # Store the amplitude and frequency of loudest source # NOTE: loudest source could be a single-sample (weight==1) or from a weighted-bin (weight > 1) # the max if (weights[ii] >= 1) and (hs[ii] > hmax): hmax = hs[ii] fmax = fo[ii] h2temp = weights[ii] * (hs[ii] ** 2) * fo[ii] gwback[ff] += h2temp # increment binary index ii += 1 # subtract foreground source from background gwf_freqs[ff] = fmax gwback[ff] -= ((hmax**2) * fmax) # Convert to *characteristic* strain # gwback[ff] = gwback[ff] / dlnf # hs^2 ==> hc^2 (squared, so dlnf^-1) # gwfore[ff] = hmax / np.sqrt(dlnf) # hs ==> hc (not squared, so sqrt of 1/dlnf) gwback[ff] = gwback[ff] / df # hs^2 ==> hc^2 (squared, so df^-1) gwfore[ff] = hmax * np.sqrt(fmax / df) # hs ==> hc (not squared, so sqrt of 1/df) lo = hi gwback = np.sqrt(gwback) return gwf_freqs, gwfore, gwback
[docs] def sampled_gws_from_sam(sam, fobs_gw, hard=hardening.Hard_GW, **kwargs): """Sample the given binary population between the target frequencies, and calculate GW signals. NOTE: the input `fobs` are interpretted as bin edges, and GW signals are calculate within the corresponding bins. Parameters ---------- sam : `Semi_Analytic_Model` instance, Binary population to sample. fobs_gw : (F+1,) array_like, Target observer-frame GW-frequencies of interest in units of [1/sec] hard : `holodeck.evolution._Hardening` instance, Binary hardening model used to calculate binary residence time at each frequency. kwargs : dict, Additional keyword-arguments passed to `sample_sam_with_hardening()` Returns ------- gff : (F,) ndarry, Observer-frame GW-frequencies of the loudest binary in each bin [1/sec]. gwf : (F,) ndarry, GW Foreground: the characteristic strain of the loudest binary in each frequency bin. gwb : (F,) ndarry, GW Background: the characteristic strain of the GWB in each frequency bin. Does not include the strain from the loudest binary in each bin (`gwf`). """ fobs_orb = fobs_gw / 2.0 vals, weights, edges, dens, mass = holo.sam.sample_sam_with_hardening(sam, hard, fobs=fobs_orb, **kwargs) gff, gwf, gwb = _gws_from_samples(vals, weights, fobs_gw) return gff, gwf, gwb
[docs] def _gws_from_number_grid_integrated_redz(edges, redz, number, realize, sum=True): """ Parameters ---------- edges : (4,) list of 1darrays A list containing the edges along each dimension. The four dimensions correspond to total mass, mass ratio, redshift, and observer-frame orbital frequency. The length of each of the four arrays is M, Q, Z, F. redz : number : (M-1, Q-1, Z-1, F-1) ndarray The number of binaries in each bin of parameter space. This is calculated by integrating `dnum` over each bin. realize : bool or int, Specification of how to construct one or more discrete realizations. If a `bool` value, then whether or not to construct a realization. If an `int` value, then how many discrete realizations to construct. sum : bool, Whether or not to sum over axes {0, 1, 2}. Returns ------- hc : ndarray Characteristic strain of the GWB. The shape depends on whether `sum` is true or false. sum = True: shape is (F-1,) sum = False: shape is (M-1, Q-1, Z-1, F-1) """ hc2 = char_strain_sq_from_bin_edges_redz(edges, redz) # Create a single realization if realize is True: hc2 = hc2 * poisson_as_needed(number) # Sum over M, Q, Z bins :: (M-1, Q-1, Z-1, F-1 [, R]) ==> (F-1, [, R]) if sum: hc2 = np.sum(hc2, axis=(0, 1, 2)) # Do not create a discrete realization, use the expectation values directly elif realize in [None, False]: hc2 = hc2 * number # Sum over M, Q, Z bins :: (M-1, Q-1, Z-1, F-1 [, R]) ==> (F-1, [, R]) if sum: hc2 = np.sum(hc2, axis=(0, 1, 2)) # Create multiple discrete realizations elif utils.isinteger(realize): if sum: import holodeck.cyutils # noqa # This function reate hc2 = holo.cyutils.sam_poisson_gwb(number, hc2, realize) else: log.warning(f"`sum`={sum} :: this requires a large amount of memory!") shape = number.shape + (realize,) hc2 = hc2[..., np.newaxis] * poisson_as_needed(number[..., np.newaxis] * np.ones(shape)) if holo.sam._DEBUG:"number = {utils.stats(number)}")"hc2 = {utils.stats(hc2)}") holo.sam._check_bads(edges + [np.arange(realize),], hc2, "hc2") else: err = "`realize` ({}) must be one of {{True, False, integer}}!".format(realize) log.error(err) raise ValueError(err) # convert from hc^2 to hc hc2 = np.sqrt(hc2) # this is for clarity, note that it does not duplicate the memory hc = hc2 return hc
[docs] def _gws_from_number_grid_integrated(edges, number, realize, sum=True): """ Parameters ---------- edges : (4,) list of 1darrays A list containing the edges along each dimension. The four dimensions correspond to total mass, mass ratio, redshift, and observer-frame orbital frequency. The length of each of the four arrays is M, Q, Z, F. number : (M-1, Q-1, Z-1, F-1) ndarray The number of binaries in each bin of parameter space. This is calculated by integrating `dnum` over each bin. realize : bool or int, Specification of how to construct one or more discrete realizations. If a `bool` value, then whether or not to construct a realization. If an `int` value, then how many discrete realizations to construct. sum : bool, Whether or not to sum over axes {0, 1, 2}. Returns ------- hc : ndarray Characteristic strain of the GWB. The shape depends on whether `sum` is true or false. sum = True: shape is (F-1,) sum = False: shape is (M-1, Q-1, Z-1, F-1) """ hc2 = char_strain_sq_from_bin_edges(edges) # Create a single realization if realize is True: hc2 = hc2 * poisson_as_needed(number) # Sum over M, Q, Z bins :: (M-1, Q-1, Z-1, F-1 [, R]) ==> (F-1, [, R]) if sum: hc2 = np.sum(hc2, axis=(0, 1, 2)) # Do not create a discrete realization, use the expectation values directly elif realize in [None, False]: hc2 = hc2 * number # Sum over M, Q, Z bins :: (M-1, Q-1, Z-1, F-1 [, R]) ==> (F-1, [, R]) if sum: hc2 = np.sum(hc2, axis=(0, 1, 2)) # Create multiple discrete realizations elif utils.isinteger(realize): if sum: import holodeck.cyutils # noqa # This function reate hc2 = holo.cyutils.sam_poisson_gwb(number, hc2, realize) else: log.warning(f"`sum`={sum} :: this requires a large amount of memory!") shape = number.shape + (realize,) hc2 = hc2[..., np.newaxis] * poisson_as_needed(number[..., np.newaxis] * np.ones(shape)) if holo.sam._DEBUG:"number = {utils.stats(number)}")"hc2 = {utils.stats(hc2)}") holo.sam._check_bads(edges + [np.arange(realize),], hc2, "hc2") else: err = "`realize` ({}) must be one of {{True, False, integer}}!".format(realize) log.error(err) raise ValueError(err) # convert from hc^2 to hc hc2 = np.sqrt(hc2) # hc is redefined for clarity, note that it does not duplicate the memory hc = hc2 return hc
[docs] def gwb_ideal(fobs_gw, ndens, mtot, mrat, redz, dlog10, sum=True): const = ((4.0 * np.pi) / (3 * SPLC**2)) mc = utils.chirp_mass_mtmr(mtot, mrat) mc = np.power(NWTG * mc, 5.0/3.0) rz = np.power(1 + redz, -1.0/3.0) fogw = np.power(np.pi * fobs_gw, -4.0/3.0) integ = ndens * mc * rz redz = redz * np.ones_like(integ) integ[redz <= 0.0] = 0.0 arguments = [mtot, mrat, redz] if dlog10: arguments[0] = np.log10(arguments[0]) for ax, xx in enumerate(arguments): integ = np.moveaxis(integ, ax, 0) xx = np.moveaxis(xx, ax, 0) # if integ is (X, A, B) and xx is (X, 1, 1), then this is fine try: integ = 0.5 * (integ[:-1] + integ[1:]) * np.diff(xx, axis=0) # BUT if integ is (X, A, B) and xx is (X, A+1, B+1), then need to average xx values down except ValueError: # average other dimensions as needed for jj in range(1, len(arguments)): sh = np.shape(xx)[jj] if (sh == 1) or (sh == np.shape(integ)[jj]): continue xx = np.moveaxis(xx, jj, 0) xx = 0.5 * (xx[:-1] + xx[1:]) xx = np.moveaxis(xx, 0, jj) # try integration step again integ = 0.5 * (integ[:-1] + integ[1:]) * np.diff(xx, axis=0) # return integ to the correct shape (axis order) integ = np.moveaxis(integ, 0, ax) gwb = const * fogw gwb = gwb * np.sum(integ) if sum else gwb * integ gwb = np.sqrt(gwb) return gwb
[docs] def poisson_as_needed(values, thresh=1e10): """Calculate Poisson distribution when values are below threshold, otherwise approximate with normal distribution. Parameters ---------- values : ndarray Expectation values for poisson distribution. thresh : float Expectation value above which to use Normal distribution approximation. Returns ------- output : ndarray (Approximately) Poisson distributed values. Same shape as input `values`. """ # NOTE: do not use `int` type as it can cause overflow errors # output = np.zeros_like(values, dtype=int) output = np.zeros_like(values) idx = (values <= thresh) output[idx] = np.random.poisson(values[idx]) tt = values[~idx] # output[~idx] = np.floor(np.random.normal(tt, np.sqrt(tt))).astype(int) output[~idx] = np.floor(np.random.normal(tt, np.sqrt(tt))) return output
[docs] def char_strain_sq_from_bin_edges_redz(edges, redz): assert len(edges) == 4 assert np.all([np.ndim(ee) == 1 for ee in edges]) foo = edges[-1] #: should be observer-frame orbital-frequencies df = np.diff(foo) #: frequency bin widths fc = kale.utils.midpoints(foo) #: use frequency-bin centers for strain (more accurate!) # redshifts are defined across 4D grid, shape (M, Q, Z, Fc) # where M, Q, Z are edges and Fc is frequency centers # find midpoints of redshifts in M, Q, Z dimensions, to end up with (M-1, Q-1, Z-1, Fc) for dd in range(3): redz = np.moveaxis(redz, dd, 0) redz = kale.utils.midpoints(redz, axis=0) redz = np.moveaxis(redz, 0, dd) # ---- calculate GW strain ---- mt = kale.utils.midpoints(edges[0]) mr = kale.utils.midpoints(edges[1]) # rz = kale.utils.midpoints(edges[2]) mc = utils.chirp_mass_mtmr(mt[:, np.newaxis], mr[np.newaxis, :]) mc = mc[:, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] dc = +np.inf * np.ones_like(redz) sel = (redz > 0.0) dc[sel] = cosmo.comoving_distance(redz[sel]).cgs.value # convert from observer-frame to rest-frame; still using frequency-bin centers fr = utils.frst_from_fobs(fc[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :], redz) hs = utils.gw_strain_source(mc, dc, fr) hc2 = (hs ** 2) * (fc / df) return hc2
[docs] def strain_amp_from_bin_edges_redz(edges, redz): assert len(edges) == 4 assert np.all([np.ndim(ee) == 1 for ee in edges]) foo = edges[-1] #: should be observer-frame orbital-frequencies # df = np.diff(foo) #: frequency bin widths fc = kale.utils.midpoints(foo) #: use frequency-bin centers for strain (more accurate!) # redshifts are defined across 4D grid, shape (M, Q, Z, Fc) # where M, Q, Z are edges and Fc is frequency centers # find midpoints of redshifts in M, Q, Z dimensions, to end up with (M-1, Q-1, Z-1, Fc) for dd in range(3): redz = np.moveaxis(redz, dd, 0) redz = kale.utils.midpoints(redz, axis=0) redz = np.moveaxis(redz, 0, dd) # ---- calculate GW strain ---- mt = kale.utils.midpoints(edges[0]) mr = kale.utils.midpoints(edges[1]) # rz = kale.utils.midpoints(edges[2]) mc = utils.chirp_mass_mtmr(mt[:, np.newaxis], mr[np.newaxis, :]) mc = mc[:, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] dc = +np.inf * np.ones_like(redz) sel = (redz > 0.0) dc[sel] = cosmo.comoving_distance(redz[sel]).cgs.value # convert from observer-frame to rest-frame; still using frequency-bin centers fr = utils.frst_from_fobs(fc[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :], redz) hs = utils.gw_strain_source(mc, dc, fr) return hs
[docs] def char_strain_sq_from_bin_edges(edges): assert len(edges) == 4 assert np.all([np.ndim(ee) == 1 for ee in edges]) foo = edges[-1] #: should be observer-frame orbital-frequencies df = np.diff(foo) #: frequency bin widths fc = kale.utils.midpoints(foo) #: use frequency-bin centers for strain (more accurate!) # ---- calculate GW strain ---- mt = kale.utils.midpoints(edges[0]) mr = kale.utils.midpoints(edges[1]) rz = kale.utils.midpoints(edges[2]) mc = utils.chirp_mass_mtmr(mt[:, np.newaxis], mr[np.newaxis, :]) mc = mc[:, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] dc = cosmo.comoving_distance(rz).cgs.value dc = dc[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis] # convert from observer-frame to rest-frame; still using frequency-bin centers fr = utils.frst_from_fobs(fc[np.newaxis, :], rz[:, np.newaxis]) fr = fr[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, :] hs = utils.gw_strain_source(mc, dc, fr) hc2 = (hs ** 2) * (fc / df) return hc2
# ============================================================================== # ==== SAM GW Functions ==== # ============================================================================== # ! NOTE: THIS IS SLOW PYTHON IMPLEMENTATION FOR TESTING. # ! USE `holodeck.cytuls.sam_calc_gwb_single_eccen()`
[docs] def _python_sam_calc_gwb_single_eccen(gwfobs, sam, sepa_evo, eccen_evo, nharms=100): """ Parameters ---------- gwfobs : (F,) array_like Observer-frame frequencies at which to calculate GWB. sam : `Semi_Analytic_Model` instance forb_rst_evo : (M, E) array_like Rest-frame orbital frequencies of binaries, for each total-mass M and evolution step E. eccen_evo : (E,) array_like Eccentricities at each evolution step. The same for all binaries, corresponding to fixed binary separations for all binaries. nharms : int Number of harmonics to use in calculating GWB. Returns ------- gwfobs_harms : Observer-frame GW harmonic frequencies. gwb : (F,) ndarray GW Background: the ideal characteristic strain of the GWB in each frequency bin. Does not include the strain from the loudest binary in each bin (`gwf`). ecc_out : tau_out : """ # NOTE: need to check for coalescences and set to zero # NOTE: need to check for frequencies below starting separation and set to zero frst_orb_evo = utils.kepler_freq_from_sepa(sam.mtot[:, np.newaxis], sepa_evo[np.newaxis, :]) assert np.ndim(gwfobs) == 1 assert np.ndim(frst_orb_evo) == 2 assert np.ndim(eccen_evo) == 1 assert np.shape(frst_orb_evo) == (sam.mtot.size, eccen_evo.size) harm_nums = np.arange(1, nharms+1) two_over_nh_sq = (2.0 / harm_nums) ** 2 # (M, Q, Z) units of [Mpc^-3] ndens = sam.static_binary_density # (F, H) gwfobs_harms = gwfobs[:, np.newaxis] / harm_nums[np.newaxis, :] # (Z,) dcom = cosmo.comoving_distance(sam.redz).to('Mpc').value # (Z, F, H) # gw_frst ==> frst_orb_harms # gw_frst = gwfobs_harms[np.newaxis, :, :] * (1.0 * sam.redz[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]) # shape will be a tuple of (M, Q, Z, F, H) shape = sam.shape + np.shape(gwfobs_harms) # setup output arrays with shape (M, Q, Z, F, H) hc2 = np.zeros(shape) hs2 = np.zeros(shape) hsn2 = np.zeros(shape) tau_out = np.zeros(shape) ecc_out = np.zeros(shape) gwfr_check = np.zeros(shape[2:]) # NOTE: should sort `gwfobs_harms` into an ascending 1D array to speed up processes for (aa, bb), gwfo in np.ndenumerate(gwfobs_harms): # iterate over mtot M for ii, mt in enumerate(sam.mtot): # (Q,) masses of each component for this total-mass, and all mass-ratios m1, m2 = utils.m1m2_from_mtmr(mt, sam.mrat) mchirp = utils.chirp_mass(m1, m2) # (E,) rest-frame orbital frequencies for this total-mass bin frst_evo = frst_orb_evo[ii] # iterate over redshifts Z for kk, zz in enumerate(sam.redz): # () scalar zterm = (1.0 + zz) dc = dcom[kk] # this is still in units of [Mpc] dc_term = 4*np.pi*(SPLC/MPC) * (dc**2) # rest-frame frequency corresponding to target observer-frame frequency of GW observations gwfr = gwfo * zterm if ii > 0: assert gwfr_check[kk, aa, bb] == gwfr else: gwfr_check[kk, aa, bb] = gwfr sa = utils.kepler_sepa_from_freq(mt, gwfr) # interpolate to target (rest-frame) frequency # this is the same for all mass-ratios # () scalar ecc = np.interp(gwfr, frst_evo, eccen_evo, left=np.nan, right=np.nan) # ecc_2 = np.interp(sa, sepa[::-1], eccen_evo[::-1], left=np.nan, right=np.nan) # da/dt values are negative, get a positive rate tau = -utils.gw_hardening_rate_dadt(m1, m2, sa, ecc) # convert to timescale tau = sa / tau # print(f"{m1.shape") tau_out[ii, :, kk, aa, bb] = tau ecc_out[ii, :, kk, aa, bb] = ecc # Calculate the GW spectral strain at each harmonic # see: [Amaro-seoane+2010 Eq.9] # () temp = two_over_nh_sq[bb] * utils.gw_freq_dist_func(harm_nums[bb], ee=ecc, recursive=False) # (Q,) hs2[ii, :, kk, aa, bb] = utils.gw_strain_source(mchirp, dc*MPC, gwfr) ** 2 hsn2[ii, :, kk, aa, bb] = temp * hs2[ii, :, kk, aa, bb] # (Q,) hc2[ii, :, kk, aa, bb] = ndens[ii, :, kk] * dc_term * zterm * tau * hsn2[ii, :, kk, aa, bb] # integrate gwb = hc2.copy() args = [np.log10(sam.mtot), sam.mrat, sam.redz] for ii, xx in enumerate(args): gwb = np.moveaxis(gwb, ii, 0) dx = np.diff(xx) gwb = dx * 0.5 * np.moveaxis(gwb[1:] + gwb[:-1], 0, -1) gwb = np.moveaxis(gwb, -1, ii) gwb = np.sum(gwb, axis=(0, 1, 2)) # return gwfobs_harms, gwfr_check, gwb, hsn2, hs2, ecc_out, tau_out # return gwfobs_harms, gwb, ecc_out, tau_out return gwfobs_harms, gwb, ecc_out, tau_out
[docs] def sam_calc_gwb_single_eccen(gwfobs, sam, sepa_evo, eccen_evo, nharms=100): import holodeck.cyutils # noqa ndens = sam.static_binary_density mt_l10 = np.log10(sam.mtot) mr = sam.mrat rz = sam.redz dc = cosmo.comoving_distance(sam.redz).to('Mpc').value gwb = holo.cyutils.sam_calc_gwb_single_eccen(ndens, mt_l10, mr, rz, dc, gwfobs, sepa_evo, eccen_evo, nharms) return np.asarray(gwb)
[docs] def sam_calc_gwb_single_eccen_discrete(gwfobs, sam, sepa_evo, eccen_evo, nharms=100, nreals=None): """ Parameters ---------- gwfobs : (F,) array_like Observer-frame frequencies at which to calculate GWB. sam : `Semi_Analytic_Model` instance Binary population to sample. See `holodeck.simple_sam` or 'holodeck.sam` sepa_evo : Separation at each evolution step. eccen_evo : (E,) array_like Eccentricities at each evolution step. The same for all binaries, corresponding to fixed binary separations for all binaries. nharms : int, optional Number of harmonics to use in calculating GWB. nreals : int or None, optional Number of realizations to calculate in Poisson sampling. Returns ------- gwb : (F,) ndarray, GW Background: the characteristic strain of the GWB in each frequency bin. Does not include the strain from the loudest binary in each bin (`gwf`). """ import holodeck.cyutils # noqa ndens = sam.static_binary_density mt_l10 = np.log10(sam.mtot) mr = sam.mrat rz = sam.redz dc = cosmo.comoving_distance(sam.redz).to('Mpc').value if nreals is None: nreals = 1 squeeze = True else: squeeze = False gwb = holo.cyutils.sam_calc_gwb_single_eccen_discrete(ndens, mt_l10, mr, rz, dc, gwfobs, sepa_evo, eccen_evo, nharms, nreals) if squeeze: gwb = gwb.squeeze() return np.asarray(gwb)
# ============================================================================== # ==== Deprecated Functions ==== # ==============================================================================
[docs] @utils.deprecated_fail(_gws_harmonics_at_evo_fobs) def _calc_mc_at_fobs(*args, **kwargs): return
[docs] def _gws_from_number_grid_centroids(edges, dnum, number, realize): """Calculate GWs based on a grid of number-of-binaries. # ! BUG: THIS ASSUMES THAT FREQUENCIES ARE NYQUIST SAMPLED ! # ! otherwise the conversion from hs to hc doesnt work ! NOTE: `_gws_from_number_grid_integrated()` should be more accurate, but this method better matches GWB from sampled (`kale.sample_`) populations!! The input number of binaries is `N` s.t. $$N = (d^4 N / [dlog10(M) dq dz dlogf] ) * dlog10(M) dq dz dlogf$$ The number `N` is evaluated on a 4d grid, specified by `edges`, i.e. $$N = N(M, q, z, f_r)$$ NOTE: the provided `number` must also summed/integrated over dlogf. To calculate characteristic strain, this function divides again by the dlogf term. Parameters ---------- edges : (4,) iterable of array_like, The edges of each dimension of the parameter space. The edges should be, in order: [mtot, mrat, redz, fobs], In units of [grams], [], [], [1/sec]. dnum : (M, Q, Z, F) ndarray, Differential comoving number-density of binaries in each bin. number : (M, Q, Z, F) ndarray, Volumetric comoving number-density of binaries in each bin. realize : bool or int, Whether or not to calculate one or multiple realizations of the population. BUG: explain more. Returns ------- hc : (M',Q',Z',F) ndarray, Total characteristic GW strain from each bin of parameter space. NOTE: to get total strain from all bins, must sum in quarature! e.g. ``gwb = np.sqrt(np.square(hc).sum())`` """ # # ---- find 'center-of-mass' of each bin (i.e. based on grid edges) # # (3, M', Q', Z') # # coms = self.grid # # ===> (3, M', Q', Z', 1) # coms = [cc[..., np.newaxis] for cc in grid] # # ===> (4, M', Q', Z', F) # coms = np.broadcast_arrays(*coms, fobs[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :]) # # ---- find weighted bin centers # # get unweighted centers # cent = kale.utils.midpoints(dnum, log=False, axis=(0, 1, 2, 3)) # # get weighted centers for each dimension # for ii, cc in enumerate(coms): # coms[ii] = kale.utils.midpoints(dnum * cc, log=False, axis=(0, 1, 2, 3)) / cent # print(f"{kale.utils.jshape(edges)=}, {dnum.shape=}") coms = kale.utils.centroids(edges, dnum) # ---- calculate GW strain at bin centroids mc = utils.chirp_mass(*utils.m1m2_from_mtmr(coms[0], coms[1])) dc = cosmo.comoving_distance(coms[2]).cgs.value # ! -- 2022-08-19: `edges` should already be using *orbital*-frequency fr = utils.frst_from_fobs(coms[3], coms[2]) # ! old: # convert from GW frequency to orbital frequency (divide by 2.0) # hs = utils.gw_strain_source(mc, dc, fr/2.0) # ! new: hs = utils.gw_strain_source(mc, dc, fr) # ! -- # NOTE: for `dlogf` it doesnt matter if these are orbital- or GW- frequencies dlogf = np.diff(np.log(edges[-1])) dlogf = dlogf[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :] if realize is True: number = np.random.poisson(number) elif realize in [None, False]: pass elif utils.isinteger(realize): shape = number.shape + (realize,) number = np.random.poisson(number[..., np.newaxis], size=shape) hs = hs[..., np.newaxis] dlogf = dlogf[..., np.newaxis] else: err = "`realize` ({}) must be one of {{True, False, integer}}!".format(realize) raise ValueError(err) number = number / dlogf hs = np.nan_to_num(hs) hc = number * np.square(hs) # # (M',Q',Z',F) ==> (F,) # if integrate: # hc = np.sqrt(np.sum(hc, axis=(0, 1, 2))) hc = np.sqrt(hc) return hc